August 29, 2010

My Lifetime Story Challenge 31 - People Who Have Touched My Life

Wednesday, August 4, 2010 ( Copied and pasted from Faith Sisters)
All of us have had amazing people enter our lives. Some of these people may inspire us to do things we never dreamed we could do. Some people we just admire for their ability to always do the right thing. Some people mirror such a faith in Jesus that it inspires you to live your life this way as well. God puts certain people into our lives. It is amazing to me how those people show up in life at just the right time and bless me.

This week scrapbook some of the stories of people who have inspired you, blessed you or just touched your life in an unforgetable way. Pay tribute to some of the special people in your life who have done something so small that nobody else even knows about it, but meant something special to you. Pay tribute to the people that the Lord used along the way to touch you spiritually. You may have many stories to share and many people to pay tribute to.

Some people who have touched my life are my pastor, my parents, my grandma, some of the ladies in my prayer group, and several special friends. You might choose to make a layout for each person or you could do one main layout of people who have touched your life.
~Love Barbara~

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