August 13, 2010

What is my Dream telling me?

My dream woke me up this AM as I was standing talking to my father... the man that I've known to be my brothers fathers.. But nevertheless, we were at a family gathering ....(No one in the family stood out). and I woke up talking to him (My father). Can't remember the conversation. I remember dreaming about Family and My Father :
(He was saying since I have not seen you in so long and I heard you were in town. Cause you know in those small town news travels. And you just turneed 29 I decide to come on over.) The Family gathering was somewhere in the South.

This was really a crazy dream, but very peaceful.
Here is what the Dream Interpretation said....


To see your father in your dream, symbolizes authority and protection. It suggests that you need to be more self-reliant. Consider also your waking relationship with your father and how aspects of his character may be incorporated within yourself.

To see your own family in your dream, represents security, warmth and love. It could also symbolize bitterness, jealousy, or rivalry, depending on your relationship with your family. Alternatively, it could mean that you are overly dependent on your family, especially if the family members are in your recurring dreams .Consider also the significance of a particular family member or the relationship you have with them.

~Love Barbara~

1 comment:

Sue Althouse said...

Of course, sometimes crazy dreams just mean you ate something weird before bed, too! :) Thanks for your comment on my blog!