October 1, 2010

{Scripture Challenge 2} Challenge Word #20, Content

Challenge #20: Content/Satisfied (Great info from Patter Cross Page) http://triplethescraps.blogspot.com/
As I have studied Isaiah 2:7-9 this week and looked at how the people of Judah were filled with treasures (possessions) like silver, gold, horses, and chariots, it made me think about how most of us are so very blessed yet we still are not satisfied with what we have. Even in today’s economic times, we still have homes larger than most people in the entire world. We have indoor plumping. We have clean, running water. We have multiple cars. We have multiple Bibles that we can read freely. I could go on and on. We “have” yet we seem to never be satisfied. Sure we may be content for a moment but then we find something else we “need” or want to change.

Everyone on this earth wants to feel satisfied thus we are always searching or filling our homes and bodies with “stuff.” We try to satisfy ourselves. When we feel sad or down, we turn to food, shopping, etc. We see what our neighbors have, and we become dissatisfied and jealous. The only way we can feel content is to fill ourselves with the Lord! Our earthly treasures (cars, money, jewelry, homes, food, drugs, etc.) will never fill us; only the Lord can! Oh if we could only learn to turn to our precious Lord in all things. The joy, the satisfaction, the filled heart, etc., that we would experience would be incomprehensible.

Patrick Morley in his book “Walking with Christ in the Details of Life” spoke about a teen that was visiting the United States. As the teen was getting ready to return home after 6 weeks, he spoke at a farewell dinner. The teen said “I would like to thank you so much for inviting me here. I have really enjoyed this time in the United States. But I am also very glad to be going home. You have so much in America that I’m beginning to lose my grip on my day-to-day dependency on Christ.”

Ouch, what a statement and so true. I know I don’t want to lose my dependency on Christ. I know my heart’s desire but I also know where I fail miserably. I encourage you to make a list of your blessings—yes, even down to the indoor plumbing that you have. Then ask God to help give you a heart of thanksgiving. Then in return, you will begin to feel content.

For my page this week, I used bright colors along with black. The black denotes my selfishness and my discontent. The bright colors denote how satisfied I can be when I depend on Christ in all things. The scripture I chose was Hebrews 13:5 which says “Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’” Oh, I love that scripture! I also used Sketch #143 from Sketch Inspiration.

~Love Barbara~

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