July 31, 2011

ABC Scripture Challenge - Hosted bi-weekly by Patter Cross 7-31-11

ABC Scripture Challenge {Word #16}, Portion
Copied and Pasted from Patter Cross Blog...
Today’s post is a bit personal but I truly felt God wanted me to share. May He use it for His good and His glory!
Challenge Word #16: Portion
When you see or hear the word “portion,” what do you think of? I think for most of us, we would say food! But I do not believe that God wants us focusing on food in times of stress, disappointment, boredom, etc., and that’s exactly what I did after my triplets were born. For most of my life, I have been tiny and have never had a problem with food or weight until my triplets were born and they started getting older. In times of stress, in times of busyness, in times of boredom, I would use food for all things instead of turning to God. He alone should have been my portion instead of food. Eve was tempted with food, and she gave into that temptation. Jesus was tempted with food, and He fought Satan with scripture. I was tempted, and I was just like Eve!

Lamentations 3:22-24Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, ‘The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for Him.’”

Well, after being overweight and not feeling good about myself at all, I lost the pounds. However, as it seems happens to so many of us, I gained it back plus some after I turned 44. My avatar is me at 44 just before giving into those temptations again. Now for the past two years, I have been using food as an excuse yet again, and to be blunt—I was sinning against God. I wasn’t waiting for Him. I wasn’t fighting Satan and those temptations with scripture. I just gave in and was disobedient to the Lord. However, in May of this year, He showed me and convicted me like never before with this verse:
1 Corinthians 10:23 “Everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial.”
Yes, I have freedom in Christ but I don’t have freedom to partake in more than my portion. Yes, food is permissible—we need it to survive but food in excess or more than my portion is not beneficial. He is my portion. He is what fills me up. I don’t need anything else—just my precious Lord and Savior! Since that conviction, I remember that verse every time I am tempted. I am now fighting Satan with scripture just like Christ did. He is our perfect example! But to be honest, He has also completely removed my desire to eat poorly, to overindulge, or to have more than my portion. Praise God! I have lost 22 lbs., and I have more to go but I truly feel He has completely and utterly changed my thinking for good. He truly is my portion!
So, who or what is your portion? Do you cling to Him and the inheritance that He has promised or do you run to the food, the cigarettes, the drinking—you fill in the blank?
1 Corinthians 6:19-20Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.

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