October 25, 2010

{Scripture Challenge 2} Challenge Word #21, First

Copied andPaster from (http://triplethescraps.blogspot.com/)
Challenge Word #21: First

When you hear the word “first,” what do you think of? Do you think of a crowd of people and being first in line? Do you think of climbing the corporate ladder to be in that number one position? Do you think of competitive sports or music and being first in the league or first chair? Is it all about you, your child, or grandchild? Or does God come first in your life? Is He the first thing you think of when you wake up, when you make a decision, when you speak, etc.? 1 Kings 22:5 says “. . .First seek the counsel of the Lord.” In all things, we need to seek Him first—in our decisions, choices, purchases, use of our time, etc.

As we seek Him, He alone is to be first and above all. As followers of Christ, we are to humble ourselves so that people see Him and not us. If we are trying to be first in all we do or teaching our children that being first is most important, than the focus is not on Christ but on ourselves. Yes, we may reap earthly rewards and get praise from others but is that what we really want?
John 12:42-43 says “Yet at the same time many even among the leaders believed in Him. But because of the Pharisees they would not confess their faith for fear they would be put out of the synagogue, for they loved praise from men more than praise from God.” Do you hide your faith at work, around certain friends, etc., because you are afraid of what they may think or that you may be “put out” of the group? John 16:18 says “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.” As I tell my children, "if you are the only one standing up for a certain decision, if it is what God says is right, then stand there alone! That's what's right and where He wants you!"

~Love Barbara~


Becky said...

Such a beautiful layout! Love the attention to detail...

Sharla said...

Love the all the glitter! Great layout, I did the scripture challenge last year and really enjoyed it!